Are you looking to head out with your kids and have a game of airsoft in your backyard?
Have you already made teams and all that is left is buy some of the airsoft guns and pellets?
Well, there is one more thing that you should add along with the guns and BB’s.
You also need to have airsoft vests with a neck guard
When you are going to war with your airsoft teammates, it would be great to actually get the feel of going to war; that is exactly what the vest will provide.
Not just the feeling you get when you put on a vest that looks like the ones that are worn by the army, these vests come with a lot of padding so that you don’t feel the sudden pinch when a BB hits you.
Airsoft vests are meant to provide the utmost protection to you while you are playing a game of airsoft outdoors.
It makes the game safer and your kids will love it when they wear the vest because it looks almost like an army uniform.
There are many other benefits that you will come to know once you invest in a great vest for your loadout.
Here are some of the best benefits listed below
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Protection from close shots
If you are playing with plastic pellets with your kids, then even a close-range attack will not hurt a lot.
But if you are playing with your friends and have chosen metal pellets for the airsoft guns, then it is important that you get an airsoft vest with neck guard.
This will protect you from the painful close range shots and the hard pinch that you may experience after getting hit.
Your body can become badly bruised and even leave blemishes and scaring everywhere if you don’t wear the vest
Stores your pellets
One of the biggest benefits of wearing a proper airsoft vest with neck guard is that you will have enough pouches to keep your BBs.
It will be quite embarrassing to run out of pellets when your opponent is going on a full-on attack.
Not wearing a vest will leave you with only a handful of pellets that will finish any moment once the game starts.

Most of the vests come with multiple pouches where you can store loaded magazines that will be filled with BBs.
So, make sure that you have enough pellets to outlast your opponent.
Makes you look like a soldier
Probably the reason why most airsoft players prefer to wear a vest with neck guard is that it makes them look like a genuine soldier.
Some even wear night-vision goggles to add to that effect.
There are helmets and other accessories too that you can try but nothing beats the airsoft vests.

They even have replica logos of the army that gives you the perfect look of an army officer leading his army to war.
It will be best if everyone around you has similar vests and patches so that they look like a unified team together.
Many people consider airsoft guns to be similar to paintball but honestly, paintball hurts more than what an airsoft gun does
The main objective is to have as much fun as possible while airsofting and the vest will take the game to the next level.
Choosing the right airsoft vest with neck guard
After reading all the benefits, you must be excited to get one of the airsoft vests that also come with a neck guard, right?
You may have already looked up some of the vests on the internet but did not understand which one will be suitable for you and your team.
Here’s one suggestion for you; Barbarians Tactical Molle Vest is one of the best vests there is for playing airsoft.
This is the ultimate vest that you will get as it has all the features that you need to win an airsoft game.

It has some amazing qualities that you don’t get in any other similar vests.
So, here are some of the features that will entice you to give it a try:
Features of the vest
• It has a ballistic nylon construction and is extremely lightweight.
You won’t have any difficulty maneuvering your body even in a small area.
However heavy you may be, this vest will not add too much of weight.
That is one of the biggest factors that have made this vest the best one of the lot.
• It comes with 3 pouches for double M4 magazines that will be able to store as many as six M4/M16 magazines.
That is more than what you can ask for.
Your opponents will definitely be outlasted when you have so many pellets in store.
• The vest comes with an integrated adjustable neck guard that gives you the well-needed support when you have to relax your head a little.
In addition to the neck guard, it also has a hydration pack with a routing loop.
Not to forget, the upper arm protection that includes loop field, perfect to place the IFF patches.
• To give the vest a more realistic look, the makers have also added a rescue strap and 40 mm grenade loop.
This, along with the adjustable cummerbund will make you feel like a real soldier heading towards war.
Barbarians Tactical Molle Vest is an amazing buy, especially if you love to play airsoft every now and then.
For just $33.99, this vest will be worth every penny you spend.
Airsoft Vests For Kids
If you’re looking for an airsoft vest for your kid, there are many options out there, but some of better than others.
It is crucial to ensure the safety for your child with a high quality vest that is expertly crafted and provides all the safety features you need.
The Modern Warrior Junior Tactical Vest is one of the best options on the market today.

This suits anyone that is 13 years or older and comes equipped with an adjustable torso that makes it incredibly easy to fit all kids of all sizes and comes with numerous pockets allowing extra storage for pellets.
This is in our opinion one of the best products on the market and comes in an an affordable price that should suit everyone.